First published in 1970, the book has been revised and updated to cover developments up to the first year of the Janata government to serve as a textbook for studying the determinants, institutions, and processes involved in foreign policy making. In the first chapter national interests and the variety of means to promote them have been discussed in what the author can claim to be a systematic manner but would appear to a politically adult reader a schematic manner. The second chapter is devoted to the basic determinants of foreign policy geography, economic development, political traditions, domestic milieu, international environment, military strength and that metaphysical concept which is often described as national character. The two chapters are devoted to a general discussion of their subjects. The discussion has been supported by quoting various textbooks prescribed for students of international relations and some written in the early twenties since when not merely has the political map of the world undergone changes of a basic character but the study of international relations has also advanced.
Nov-Dec 1980, volume 5, No 11/12