Adventures of a Pre-teen by Shaha Ghosh is a collection of ten short stories that deals with the adventures of a twelve-year old American girl of Indian origin. Gia, lives with her parents in Berkeley Heights, a neighbourhood situated amidst rolling green lawns interspersed with whitewashed houses.
Gia is a born detective, an adventure buff, fiery and spirited. She along with her friends has planned ahead all sorts of exciting things to be done during the holidays even before they have started. Exciting? Right? Little do they know that they have to be detectives soon enough! Gia and her two friends are popularly known as the ‘Rosewood Trio’ since they have solved complex cases of varied range much to everyone’s surprise and delight in the town. Their sharp minds with imprints of humour has time and again helped them to solve most of the critical cases with overwhelming results be it exposing a wealthy heiress who is a kleptomaniac or nabbing a thief to prevent a shopping complex from getting robbed. Cheers to The Rosewood Trio!
Also, the most buzzing robbery case of Berkeley High was resolved by closely monitoring the suspicious movements at Aunt Anna’s House and helping the police in putting the culprit of Rosewood Avenue behind bars. Ahhh! The success story doesn’t stop here. Gia and her aunt Ayesha (Bui Pishi) were successful in preventing a terrorist attack at the Carnival that could have caused a million deaths. They help the police to arrest the entire bunch of criminals who had links with a terrorist outfit.