Portrayal of the Changing Face of India
Malati Mukherjee
RK LAXMAN: BACK WITH A PUNCH by EP Unny Niyogi Books, 2022, 120 pp., ₹ 299.00
June 2023, volume 47, No 6

‘…his fans remained mute loyalists for want of an ecosystem to applaud… We have so far managed to build one museum for cartoonist Shankar…and the rest is history waiting to be made. We let our democracy and cartoons fend for themselves.’

RK Laxman: Back with a Punch is expert cartoonist EP Unny’s tribute to a master of the art. Written in a succinct, racy style, it is a unique biography which looks at the shifting scenario of Indian politics through the eyes of RK Laxman’s cartoons. A fascinating account of the changing face of India from World War II over the next half a century and more, of Laxman’s illustrious career.

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