The story revolves around the town of Thapoli and its shenanigans around cricket. The search for an umpire, the match and the climax and the hero setting an example to follow are the focus area of the story.
Cricket, which is seen as a man’s game with lots of complicated rules and regulations, is made easy for everybody to understand, using simple language and beautiful narration of the Thapoli town, and how Thapoli Ashes become the carnival of its kind for the town. The town was founded by Dhirubhai Patel who was an avid cricket-lover (naming his own house after the town where Sir Donald Bradman was born) and started the Thapoli Ashes—a match between team from manufacturing hub of his underpants industry known as Thapoli and one from the dhobi ghat suburbs known as Vakoli.
The Thapoli Ashes is an annual event eagerly awaited by the people of Thapoli. The practice for Thapoli Ashes had begun and it was a great pride that all four cousins from Shanti Niwas found a place in the Thapoli team. This was also a proud moment for their school as they were the only four to represent the Dhirubhai Patel English Medum School which had its own story that would interest potential readers.