Abbu Khan ki Bakri is a timeless tale written by the third President of India Dr. Zakir Hussain, who has written many stories for children. Dr. Zakir Hussain was born in 1897. The story, reflecting those times, is about the situation of slavery, the pain of bondage and the frustration and struggles for freedom. The story takes us to a Himalayan village of Almora where Abbu Khan resides. He rears goats and sheep with care. He tries to scare the animals about the wolf that lives on the mountains, but the free-minded goats don’t stay with Abbu Khan however much he tries.
I had read this story in my school Hindi textbook Bhasha Bharti. At that time, I had perceived the story only as a story of goats and the wolf. The story seems relevant for children above 14-15 years. There are many layers in the story that keep unfolding as you read along. It starts with the loving relationship between Abbu Khan and his goats, but as the narrative progresses, it turns towards the desire for freedom and the never-ending hope to find it.