Generation Y, commonly referred to as millennials, are those who were born between the early 80s and the early 2000s. This generation is typically highly aspirational, and tends to be self-absorbed. Often when the realization dawns, early in life, that reality is nowhere near their expectation, it leaves them disillusioned. Partly the fault lies, according to the author, with the parents of this generation, as they tend to raise their kids making them believe that they are special, by constantly reiterating that the world has unlimited opportunities for them. The moral is that youngsters need to stop worrying about how they appear to others and focus more on realizing their own potential. No one is born special, one has to work hard to make a successful life, and that instant gratification leads nowhere. Having set this tone at the start of the book, the author then goes on to lay down a path which can make students achieve their full potential.
November 2021, volume 45, No 11