Thee subtitle given to it explains the content and context of the book ]eevana Rekhalu, Vakchitralu. This book contains life-sketches and views and attitudes of twenty-five literary personalities who have been associated with the world of letters in contemporary times, and draws for us the images of these writers in their own words. In more ways than one this book is a unique experiment. These interviews were published in various Telugu magazines at different points of time during the last decade of the twentieth century. Gowd, having to live in the national capital Delhi away from his cultural and literary milieu, caused to seek out and actively participate in different literary and cultural events that took place in the Andhra Association, Andhra Pradesh Bhavan, Delhi, and a host of other venues, including those that were held in the private gatherings systematically organized and held in the houses of like¬minded literary enthusiasts belonging to the Andhra region living in Delhi.
January 2007, volume 31, No 1