‘May the force be with you!’ The last line of the book is not a mere wish but a self-proclaimed statement of a tech entrepreneur, whose smart work has won many laurels. Decoding mental agility and extraordinary physical ability, Mukesh Bansal, the founder of Cure Fit recounts his lifetime experiences with mythological anecdotes and success strategies. The illustrated forty-three performance hacks could be claimed as the brain booster packs of how to be productive consistently. The crux of the writing is to achieve ‘Eudaimonia’ which means to strengthen the creative muscles. Plasticity is an interesting term discussed, referring to the adaptability of the mind to varied experiences and new learning. Concepts like Chunking, Coach: Compulsory Improvement, Memory Palace, Keystone Habit, Introspection and Self-dialogue, Deep work, 2 Minute Rule to Break Procrastination, Nappuchino and Sineko’s Golden Circle: ‘What, How and Why’, enlighten the readers with one’s choice of tasks for reinforcement and regulation.
Bansal sustains the connectivity by sharing stories like the over-ambitious nature of Icarus, the accomplished aerial feats of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, the realization moment of Hanuman’s strength, the strong foundation of Chinese Bamboo Tree, the incredible brawn of Milo—the wrestler and the resilience of Victor Frank, the holocaust survivor. This modern writing is the melange of ancient wisdom and contemporary tactics to confront challenges of life. It propels one to discover the journey of lifestyle by bringing out the constructive synthesis of physical fitness and mental health. For the young aspirants who strive to succeed, this book discloses the open secret of how to mould the mind in an optimistic tone. There is an insistence on learning the fundamentals of any idea, the phenomenon of being creative, the confidence of holding responsibility and the power of pursuing a purpose.
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Bansal presents the expansion of the key idea behind Tennyson’s Ulysses: ‘To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.’ Being a fitness enthusiast himself, he presents a holistic approach towards optimized destiny. The steps designed for this accomplishment may embrace struggles, failures, chaos and insults but the spirit of commitment overpowers the low effects in order to achieve the art of high performance. This resolution is fulfilled when one understands that life’s essence is built on a healthy mind and body. Manifesting ultimate goals with proper diet, exercise, meditation, sleep unleash the potential of human mind to heights.
The author candidly accepts that the writing is the summary of fifty books he had previously read. The four sections of this work weave a magic wand of how to live and not to exist.
L Jennifer