The global crisis witnessed during the COVID pandemic was terrifying in many ways. Not a single bullet was fired but more people died than in the two World Wars. There were no earthquakes or floods but crores lost their livelihood and were forced to migrate. At the time, many believed that the world would never be the same place again but with COVID-19 virus losing its virulence with each passing day, it seems like the world is back to business as usual.
Noted journalists and scholars Anshuman Tiwari and Anindya Sengupta have accurately captured the India story during the COVID-19 pandemic in their book, Ulti Ginti. The authors explore how India has been hit by the double discord of economic slowdown and the COVID crisis. The book is packed with data, facts and analysis. Written in Hindi, it captures the vernacular idiom and is a delight for those who want to engage with ideas related to business and economics in the language of the masses. The book reflects the experience and knowledge gained by the authors over their long association with journalism and academia.