Jeete Jee Allahabad is a written documentary of the literary world of Allahabad composed with wit and nostalgia of heart-wrenching intensity. They are the hallmark of Mamta’s oeuvre. Allahabad has a super special place in her psyche. The documentation starts with the Chayavadi era of Nirala, Mahadevi Verma and Sumitra Nandan Pant and ends with the post Nai Kahani era ruled by Gyanranjan, Ravindra Kalia and Kashinath Singh. In between there were trinities of other important writers—Markanday, Bhairav Nath Gupta and Shekhar Joshi with Amarkant a silent accompanist to their blaring orchestra: Kamleshwar, Rajendra Yadav and Mohan Rakesh of Nai Kahani fame.
One interesting fact pointed out by Mamta is that for some inexplicable reason writers always operated in groups of three. My guess is that they felt so close to God in stature that they had to be a Trinity like Him!