The book is not a mere addition to the much discussed topic of Britain’s responsibility towards India and India’s response to it as well as her reaction. Nor is it a mere narration of the emergence and growth of a political party. Indian National Congress Versus British presents a factual analysis of how an all powerful alien government and a national political party fought their elaborate battle over six decades. The expansion and consolidation of the empire and the British desire to give it a semblance of justified possession let to the emergence of rebel India, which itself, the author asserts, was the creation of the British. The growth of the Indian nationalism signified the decline of the British Empire. This in a nut-shell is what the book is about. The British Empire was an established institution when the Indian National Congress was founded in 1885 or rather the latter was the end product of the process of evolution of the British Empire.
Therefore the history of the sixty years from the birth of Indian National Congress to the departure of the British is the story of adjustment of two forces.