Conceptualizing Gender Justice
Maithreyi Krishnaraj
GENDER, CITIZENSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT by Maitrayee Mukhopadhyay and Navsharan Singh Zubaan, an imprint of Kali for Women, 2007, 358 pp., 495
October 2007, volume 31, No 10

The book’s conceptualization of gender justice as both an outcome and a process is a refreshing departure from the conventional approach where one or the other is high-lighted. After all it is the process that shapes the outcome. It is the means and ends connection. In the current overemphasis on so called empowerment of women, this critical insight is lost sight of. The taken for grantedness of social institutions that uphold gender inequality obscures the processes that engineer this outcome. Anne Marie’s introduction is worth considering for the way it summarizes the dialectics involved in understanding gender construction and its maintenance. She argues that although discussion of gender justice have many different starting points they share similar unresolved dilemmas because our philosophical considerations about human nature,

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