Janardhan Thakur

The quickies are upon us again. The post-election deluge (post-1977 election, that is, when the profitable and chic pub­lishing fashion really started) is now being followed up with a pre-election deluge (pre-1980 election, that is). This is the second set in what will, in true Ladies’ Singles fashion, hopefully be a best of three sets match.

Reviewed by: Amita Malik
M.N. Das

The book is not a mere addition to the much discussed topic of Britain’s responsibility towards India and India’s response to it as well as her reaction. Nor is it a mere narration of the emergence and growth of a political party. Indian Na­tional Congress Versus British presents a factual analysis of how an all powerful alien government and a national political party fought their elaborate battle over six decades.

Reviewed by: Shila Sen
J.T.F. Jordens

Arya Dharma by Kenneth Jones was the first serious historical study of the Arya Samaj movement. Now Jordens complements Jones’s work by providing a comprehensive historical account of the life and ideas of Dayanand Saraswati.

Reviewed by: Neeladri Bhattacharya
Grace Davie

The undivided Bengal with its Muslim majority had a Muslim problem which was not exactly the same as the Muslim problem of another Muslim majority province of the pre-Partition days, the Punjab; in fact, the Punjab’s was more a problem of the sense of insecurity felt by its Hindus.

Reviewed by: Girish Mathur
R. Parthasarathi

In the twenties and thirties, and up to 1942, the South, and for a time the Cent­ral Assembly under British rule, rever­berated with the voice of Satyamurti, patriot, orator, parliamentarian par ex­cellence.

Reviewed by: C.N. Chitta Ranjan
Upendranath Ashk

The popular adage ‘appearances are deceptive’ applies aptly to these first two volumes of the proposed ten volumes of the off-beat autobiographical writings of Ashk, the Hindi novelist, playwright, cri­tic, poet and publisher.

Reviewed by: Dev Dutt
D.K. Joshi

Contemporary criticism of Indo­-English poetry continues to harp on its favourite themes: the alien idiom and Indian sensibility, self consciousness of the poet, lack of a sense of humour, lack of an integrity of experience and social consciousness and so on.

Reviewed by: Jatindra Kumar Nayak
Siro P. Padolechhia

The marketing function has been fully exploited in mulch of the developed western world. In the less developed coun­tries the role of marketing is yet to be adequately appreciated. This is a natural consequence of the fact that in less deve­loped countries the main problem is to create surpluses over…

Reviewed by: R.S. Pal
S.A. Ali

This book deals with the environ­mental implications of an economy based on the exploitation of non-renewable mineral resources and fossil fuels. It purports to establish that a viable world economic order requires drastic changes in life styles, strict population control and a switch to non-renewable resources…

Reviewed by: Nitin Desai
K.N. Chaudhuri

This volume is the by-product of a conference held in Cambridge in 1975, whose object was to bring together youn­ger historians of the economic and social history of South Asia, i.e. those who began their research work in the sixties and seventies. The conference had no specific theme…

Reviewed by: Dharma Kumar
John W. Mellor

This volume consists of the proceed­ings of a conference on India sponsored by the Asia Society in New York and held in September 1977. The organizers of the conference were two US AID offi­cials, Arthur Gardiner, Jr. and John Mellor, assisted by Marshall Bouton (now in the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi) and Philip Oldenburg of the Asia So­ciety. The objective, as stated by Mellor in the preface, was to re-examine ‘U.S.

Reviewed by: Leo E. Rose
M.S.A. Rao

The study of social movements by so­ciologists is comparatively a recent pheno­menon. In Indian sociology, this research trend began to take a shape during the sixties, when agrarian, tribal, backward class and Naxalite movements etc., increasingly received the attention of sociologists. M.S.A. Rao’s book Social Movements and Social Transformation…

Reviewed by: Yogendra Singh
Sarvepalli Gopal

When the first volume of Dr. Sarve­palli Gapal’s life of Jawaharlal Nehru appeared three years ago, there was a definitional dispute on whether it was a biography or a history. The Sahitya Akademi settled it by citing the author and the book for one of its awards.

Reviewed by: H.Y. Sharada Prasad