Everless is all about seventeen-year-old Jules who has arrived at Everless, the estate of the Gerling family—a place which she detests and fears, in order to earn time for her dying father. In our world, we work to earn money to pay our taxes, bills and rent. But here, the author has wonderfully crafted the concept of a blood and time relation. The currency used is blood iron, wherein the blood pulsating through your veins measures the time you have left. When a bleeder draws your blood, he reduces your time in this world. You sell your blood, you even auction your blood to pay your rent. Your blood which is also the years left to you is your currency. This is a very unique concept and intricately woven.
While the normal assumption for most of us is that our lifespan and destiny are all previously decided by the Almighty, in Everless the estate of the Gerling family in the kingdom of Sempera, everyone’s fate is decided by the all-powerful Gerlings. In Jules’s words, ‘the Gerling family will replenish its coffers with blood iron, claiming we owe them for their protection.’