In eloquent and insightful expose of economic diplomacy principles and practices, Kishan S. Rana and Bipul Chatterjee succeed in crafting a book that will stimulate and inform anyone interested in this previously opaque realm of international relations. The economic dimension of diplomacy constitutes an increasingly important share of the operational responsibilities of diplomats. Their prime task revolves around defending the commercial interests of the state they represent. This is often implemented in the form of trade export promotion activities. The edited volume is a collection of experiences of Indian Foreign Service officers who have contributed to 27 chapters in five sections—regulatory environment, investment and aid promotion, export promotion and creating networks. The papers reflect the thinking of the contributors on the world economy and trading system and explain how they promoted national interest while advancing the global trade agenda.
It highlights how governments lobbying has contributed to the development of the commercial and economic interests of the country represented across the globe. This volume marks an important advance in our understanding of the theory and practice of the new economic diplomacy.