I have always been a fan of children’s books and movies, especially now, as an adult and as a mother to a toddler. Somewhere while growing up we lose the imagination that took us to places as a child; and it is a very sad loss. There are, however, children’s books that are largely didactic and too high on morals; I try to steer clear of those. I picked up this particular book on my way back from work on an extremely busy day. I must admit that it gave me a much needed respite. The book revolves around the sleuthing exploits of two inquisitive, intelligent, assertive, videogame loving, and problem solving sixth graders. Supersleuths, as they call themselves, set out to solve mind-boggling cases that are beyond the grasp of lesser minds. Currently, Rachita and Aarti, have a curious case at hand—one that might involve other-worldly creatures (read aliens). Vipul, a fellow classmate and an aspirant Supersleuth, has an incredible theory—if the theory is right, the world and its inhabitants might be at danger of being taken over by unearthly creatures soon. What follows next is a whole lot of sleuthing, UFO sightings and other clues, strange transformation in friends (and foes), and surprising insights into human nature. The story culminates with the Supersleuths solving yet another case, earning respect and more friends for themselves.
November 2017, volume 41, No 11