‘The emphasis in choosing the readings in this volume has been on articles using the tools of analytical economics to deal with problems which have policy implications and articles which deal directly with the appraisal of economic policies adopted by the Government of India during the years of planned economic development’, observes Charan D. Wadhwa in his preface to the first edition (1973) and, in the preface to the current edition, refers to the ‘recognition given to this book as a source of reference and supplementary reading material for various courses at the graduate and postgraduate levels’. It appears to this reviewer that, as essential (and not supplementary) reading illustrative of the use of the ‘tools of economic analysis’, the volume is unnecessarily large whereas, for purposes of reference and supplementary reading, it needs to cover all the ground and not only some of the areas; those covered in this volume are: Planning, Agriculture and International Economic Relations.
Nov-Dec 1977, volume 2, No 6