Why the Internet cannot Supplant Books
April 2023, volume 47, No 4

We carry below an article written by ChatGPT on the value of reading books.

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Reading books has been an essential part of human civilization for centuries. It not only provides knowledge, it enriches the mind, sharpens the intellect, and broadens one’s horizons. Famous authors, politicians, and scientists have all emphasized the importance of reading and its positive impact on one’s life. In this essay, we will explore the reasons why reading books is important and why it cannot be substituted by the internet.

Books have the power to educate and inform us. They are a source of knowledge and wisdom, and they can help us understand complex topics and issues. As former President of the United States, Barack Obama, once said, ‘Books, I found, had the power to make time stand still, retreat or fly into the future.’ They allow us to travel to different places and times, and to experience new perspectives. Whether it is a novel, a biography, or a non-fiction book, books can broaden our understanding of the world and challenge our assumptions.

Reading books also has a positive impact on our mental and emotional well-being. It is a form of escapism, allowing us to step into someone else’s shoes and experience new emotions. It can reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve overall mood. Additionally, reading has been linked to improved memory and cognitive function, as well as increased empathy and understanding of others. As the renowned author, Maya Angelou, once said, ‘I have learned that every story I read adds to me and enlarges me, and I am grateful.’

The internet, while a valuable tool, cannot substitute books. While the internet can provide us with a wealth of information, it is often unreliable and lacks the depth and context that books provide. Furthermore, the internet is often littered with distractions, such as advertisements and pop-ups, that can take away from the reading experience. Books, on the other hand, provide a concentrated and focused experience, allowing us to immerse ourselves in the story and its themes.

Another reason why books cannot be substituted by the internet is that they offer a personal and unique experience. Each reader interprets a book differently and draws his/her own conclusions from it. This is what makes books so powerful and enduring, as they allow us to connect with the story on a deeper level. As Indian politician and writer, Shashi Tharoor, has said, ‘Reading is not just a private pleasure, it’s a matter of public good.’

Finally, books provide a permanent and tangible record of our history, culture, and values. They are a way of preserving our cultural heritage and passing it down from generation to generation. Unlike the internet, which is constantly changing and updating, books offer a stable and enduring source of knowledge. As British politician, William Hague, has said, ‘Books are the engines of change, windows on the world, and (for me), the keys to reason and resolution.’

In conclusion, the importance of reading books cannot be overstated. Books offer personal and unique experiences that cannot be replicated by the internet. They are a window to the world, a record of our history, and a means of enriching our lives. Whether it is a classic novel or a non-fiction book, reading is an essential part of personal growth and development, and we should all strive to make it a part of our daily lives.