Wheels Within Wheels
THE NON-ALIGNED AND THE UNITED NATIONS by M.S. Rajan, V.S. Mani and C.S.R. Murthy South Asian Publishers, New Delhi, 1988, 388 pp., 125
Jan-Feb 1988, volume 12, No 1

Escott Reid was high commissioner of Canada in India from 1952 to 1957. These were the years when, with Conservative The Non-Aligned summit in New Delhi in 1983 gave an impetus for several intellectual enterprises in India. Some have proved to be durable, like Namedia, a centre for the study of the mass media in the nonaligned countries, and others have turned out to be transient, like a quarterly magazine entitled. The nonaligned World, which was launched under the editorship of Professor M. S. Rajan, a good scholar with sound intellectual commitments. Dr. Rajan, however, has salvaged a good book from the ruins of the quarterly. The Non-aligned and the United Nations is a collection of 21 articles written by an international cluster of scholars for a special issue of his magazine devoted to the world organization. It appropriately opens with a short foreword by Javier Perez de Cuellar, Secretary-General of the United Nations.

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