Book reviews make a commentary on the argument of the book they seek to review. This task however becomes difficult with an edited book (in this case two) consisting of several chapters, that address themes of varying contexts. While the common theme of citizenship does unite them, citizenship studies in themselves have become vast enough to have journals, institutes, centres and courses dedicated to it. In my opinion these books should not be seen to be making an argument but opening a domain up, for discussion. They would familiarize the readers with the various directions investigating the notion of citizenship leads to.
Unfinished Agendas
Ankita Pandey
THE POLITICS OF CITIZENSHIP, IDENTITY AND THE STATE IN SOUTH ASIA by Harihar Bhattacharyya, Anja Kluge, and Lion Konig Samskriti, New Delhi, 2014, 304 pp., 650
March 2014, volume 38, No 3