Probing the Deepest Corners of the Human Psyche
Isha Sharma
THE WAIT AND OTHER STORIES by By Damodar Mauzo. Translated from the original Konkani by Xavier Cota Penguin/Vintage Books, 2022, 256 pp., INR 499
October 2023, volume 47, No 10

Prejudice promulgates differences, and stereotypes contribute to defining individual identities in a society that caters to judgments and bias. Damodar Mauzo’s The Wait and Other Stories set in the heart of Goa deals with the conundrums of reality in a chaotic human world using subtle humour and nuanced narratives.
A work of many nested narratives, each story puts forward a social stigma that lingers around individual lives. The readers are left to ponder many unanswered questions that cater to human disposition and psyche.

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