Peace, Planning and Platitudes
Rahamatullah Khan
WORLD PEACE THROUGH NATIONAL PLANS by S.D. Joshi Somaiya Publications, New Delhi, 1980, 124 pp., 32.00
Sept-Oct 1977, volume 2, No 5

Dr. Joshi, Chief  Executive of  Wal­chandnagar Industries Ltd., has written what could pass as an ethical base to the Janata blueprint of the sixth Five­-Year Plan. The reviewer chooses to so regard this work, for the treatment of the economic content in the planning pro­cess that the author seeks to address is rather flimsy. The language is weak; and the analysis is based on dated material. The author’s familiarity with the litera­ture, especially on the international plane, does not seem to go beyond the First Report to the Club of Rome, namely, The Limits to Growth.

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