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Vishesh Unni Raghunathan
HEROES THE COLOUR OF DUST by Amit Majmudar Puffin, 2022, 123 pp., 299.00
November 2022, volume 46, No 11

Heroes the Colour of Dust by Amit Majmudar is a book on the Dandi Salt March told from the perspective of sparrows. The story follows Blatherquill, Thunderpuff, and other sparrows, as they stop a couple of Britishers (and a mutt) from derailing the march.

The author seems to have conceived of the birds as allegorical. While the idea seems nice enough, the writing uses a thin coat of apparent fiction to pass off deliberate inaccuracies and agendas as part of history. As we are warned by the author in his introduction,

‘Everything in this book is absolutely true. That includes

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