No Title
Sharad S. Marathe
ON CAPITALIST UNDERDEVELOPMENT by Andre Gunder Frank Oxford University Press, 1975, 113 pp., 12.00
PATTERNS OF DEVELOPMENT 1950-1970by Hollis Chenery and Moises Syrquin Published for the World Bank by Oxford University Press, 1975, 234 pp., 20.00
July 1976, volume 1, No 3

Andre Gunder Frank’s book which was written at the very beginning of the ascent of the ‘Depen­dence theory’ is a difficult book to read and to review. It does not make for easy reading partly because the draft which was prepared in 1963, was published almost without change after a lapse of several years. As the author himself points out in the preface, he has  ‘left the speculative—almost stream of con­sciousness—and often cumbersome, style unchan­ged.’

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