The book under review comprises twelve chapters, with eye catching illustrations, and easy to relate style of prose, that act as nothing less than a Bible for young adolescent girls. It beautifully explains the transition from hoops of puberty to fabulous adulthood. Young girls often tend to become self-conscious owing to the changes that occur during puberty. A proper guide, the right information and knowledge is what is needed to battle the dilemmas of adolescence like: their first period, picking up their first bra, encountering pubic hair, relationships, boys, developing pimples, gaining weight, periods hacks, menstrual hygiene, etc. This book is a good pick for that.
The book deals well with the anxieties of young girls and the changes they experience on the onset of puberty. It takes an individual on the quest of self-exploration and helps boost self-confidence. This book helps reaffirm self-esteem and confidence of many young women who experience self-doubt and leads them to believe that while they are amazing exactly the way they are, change is something that is to be embraced and not feared. Each chapter has a powerful lesson to take from it.
November 2021, volume 45, No 11