These six books provide a glimpse into what is being written for children in Hindi today. Three of the writers—Sushil Shukla, Prabhat and Manoj Jha have already made their place in contemporary Hindi literature (for adults). In particular, Prabhat has a distinct standing and his writings depict the folk experience uniquely. His works are often beautifully lyrical. Sushil Shukla has edited magazines for children, and has wide experience of children’s literature. Manoj Jha’s poetry draws attention. His works for children are also noteworthy.
All these collections carry remarkable artwork. Formalistic changes have occurred in illustrations in children’s literature in the last decades of the previous century. This has influenced the world of Hindi writing too, and those working on children’s literature have paid special attention to it. Pictures with spray of colours make the reading more interesting. It does indeed make the books more expensive, but with help coming as generous grants from agencies, children of all sections do get to read them.