A simple story, whose title itself excites curiosity, and colourful eye-catching illustrations in an unusually large-sized picture-book—what more does a beginning reader need to get attracted?
The very size of the book catches attention. The two little girls aged five and six years, whom I teach as they are homebound due to the Corona epidemic, fight to grab the book. It is spread out on the table and they both bend over it, the younger concentrating on the pictures while the elder tries to read the text. Big words, difficult for the under-privileged kid to read, and I have to help her at first. But as the words get repeated, slowly she is able to recognize them.
Indian weddings, with people in colourful dresses, singing, music and bands are fun for children. The arrival of the groom on his horse adds to the excitement. The author has chosen an exciting subject for little kids, for whom a wedding means fun and frolic.