Aurobindo Ghose pierced the veil of Vedic mysticism during the second decade of this century. His line was followed up by masters like Nolinikanta Gupta, Kapali Shastri and others. Simultaneously, Swami Pratyagatmananda revealed the Vedic vision of Sound in Japasutram and the deep scientific basis of Veda in Ved-O-Vijnan; and Ramendrasundar Trivedi laid bare the symbolism of Vedic ritual in Yajna-katha. Kshitimohan Sen discovered the link be¬tween the Vedas and Baul—the most progressive dharma of the world. Anirvan’s Veda-mimansa in the sixties estab¬lished the esoteric interpreta¬tion of the Vedas on the firm oasis of the spiritual-religious-philosophical experiences of Bharatavarsha through cen¬turies and millenia up to the present day. The reviewer’s view, presented in The Linguis-tic Atom, Ved-O-Shri Auro¬bindo and Veder Kobita, also fall in the same line. Rabindranath’s poetry too as shown by the reviewer—is floodlit with Vedic experience.
Aug-Dec 1985, volume 10, No 8/12