Life and Self-love After Divorce
Ann Susan Aleyas
REALLY GOOD, ACTUALLY: A NOVEL by By Monica Heisey Fourth Estate, 2023, 376 pp., INR 499.00
February 2024, volume 48, No 2

Really Good, Actually tells the story of the slow, yet steady, healing of twenty-eight-year-old Margaret, aka Maggie, after what she calls an ‘underwhelming’ divorce from her university sweetheart whom she married at the age of nineteen. The character-driven narrative of the novel also recounts closely Maggie’s re-discovery and acceptance of herself as a young divorcee living alone in the city of Toronto. Really Good, Actually is the debut novel of Monica Heisey who is a comedian and an award-winning screenwriter of successful Canadian-based Netflix series such as Working Moms, Schitt’s Creek and the like

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