It is a pleasure to review this book, for several reasons. In the first place, it is precise and well-written and shows a can¬dour of purpose not often met with in present days. Secondly, it deals with a subject of considerable theoretical and practical importance. There is one more reason which intro-duces an element of novelty into this particular work. It has been written on a legal subject by a scholar whose forte is agricultural economics (especially land reforms), and not the law. Although the author claims no legal qualifi-cations or background, this book offers all the wealth of scholarship and all the sharp¬ness of argument that one would expect from a legal academic or a professional lawyer. Thus, the fact that the author of the book is not trained in the discipline or profession of law has possibly helped him avoid some of the legal jargon that unconsciously enters into legal writing in the hands of writers belonging to the discipline of law.
P.M. Bakshi
Re-promulgation of Ordinances: Fraud on the Constitution by D C Wadhwa (Gokhale Institute of Economics and Politics), Orient Longman, Pune, 1984, 259 pp., 95.00
Jan-Feb 1984, volume 8, No 4