Mutiny at the Margins: New Perspectives on the Indian Uprising of 1857 is a seven-volume series that has emerged from a research project based at the University of Edinburgh involving collaborative research and international conferences beginning in the 150th year marking the revolt. Aiming to move beyond traditional nationalist and imperialist perspectives, the series invokes marginality in a variety of ways to offer fresh perspectives on a topic saturated with historical discourse, yet prone to repetitious and limiting interpretations. Of the seven volumes, each organized around a specific thematic focus, three are awaited.
Invoking Marginality
Soofia Siddique
MUTINY AT THE MARGINS: NEW PERSPECTIVES ON THE INDIAN UPRISING OF 1857 (VOLUMES 1- 4). by Crispin Bates Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2013, 2014, 244 pp., 850
February 2014, volume 38, No 2
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