Alok Sinha
Food Planning: Some Vital Aspects by L. Ramachandran Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1982, 392 pp., 60
Sept-Oct 1982, volume 7, No 2

Ramachandran’s mis¬sion seems to be to help resolve the food problem by planning consumption from the viewpoint of a nutritionist. But, unfortunately, this all-important matter is viewed from the perspective of a nutritionist alone and expres¬sed in the rambling style of a pamphleteer, with all the noisy passion of that tribe. And though embellished with a vast array of facts and figures, marshalled ably from various unimpeachable sources, it re¬mains somewhat patchy in its framework.

However, Ramachandran is correct in showing the vast extent of malnutrition in India. Indians comprise 15 per cent of the world population, and 10 out of those 15 go hungry; in other words, 25 per cent of the world’s hungry are Indians. He is right in establishing that food imports are harmful to the less developed countries, while food exports are, in fact, bene¬ficial to the generous-appear¬ing West.

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