Since the early 50s, coinciding with the setting up of the ‘national’ governments in many of the Third World countries, and perhaps consequent to it, several thousand intensive surveys have been made of single villages in those countries. This concern of academics in the ‘developing’ nations with rural realities is perhaps because of a realization on the part of the ruling sections in those countries that wide-scale economic development cannot be brought about in a situation of rural and agrarian backwardness, stagnation and underdevelopment.
Far From the Rural Reality
Arvind Narain Das
VILLAGE SOCIETY AND LABOUR USE by Biplab Dasgupta et al Oxford University Press, 1977, 229 pp., 40.00
ASSESSING VILLAGE LABOUR SITUATIONS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESby John Connell & Michael Lipton Oxford University Press, 1977, 180 pp., 35.00
MIGRATION FROM RURAL AREAS: THE EVIDENCE FROM VILLAGE STUDIESby John Connell et al Oxford University Press, 1976, 228 pp., 40.00