Yujiro Hayami is a dist¬inguished agricultural econo¬mist whose pioneering work on the specificities of Asian agriculture and the paths of its trans-formation is known all over the world. Professor Hayami, along with Masao Kikuchi, has recently comp¬leted an authoritative book, Asian Village Economy at the Cross-Roads, which will be published by the University of Tokyo. The present book¬let forms a part of that larger work. It was presented at a seminar at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, during his stay there as a Visiting Professor in 1981. The Institute of Economic Growth, which had for some reason discontinued the publication of its Occasional Papers Series, in which eight papers were brought out between 1960 and 1968, has revived that publi¬cation under the title Occa¬sional Papers: New Series, and has seen it fit to make the present contribution the first publication in this Series. Continue reading this review
May-June 1982, volume 6, No 6