Empirical Analysis of Elections and the Party System in India
Adnan Naseemullah
ELECTIONS, PARTIES, & COALITIONS IN INDIA: THEORY AND RECENT HISTORY by By Eswaran Sridharan Permanent Black, Ranikhet, 2024, 372 pp., INR 1095.00
October 2024, volume 48, No 10

Elections, Parties, & Coalitions in India represents a compendium of essays written by E Sridharan, one of India’s well-respected and prolific analysts of elections and party politics, with a second academic calling as a specialist on international relations. The essays cover key themes over time. It is an important set of interventions for understanding how Indian democracy functions in practice and how it has changed. It maintains fidelity to placing Indian outcomes into greater theoretical perspectives in political science. Sridharan applies rigourous empirical analysis throughout, highlighting enduring questions and providing tractable explanations that are strongly situated in historical context and theoretical and conceptual frameworks.

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