Amidst the resurgence of regional and local forces, the poets, performers, merchants and scribes found new and diverse sources of patronage, and as they travelled around in search of patrons and opportunities, they came in touch with, and interacted with new ideas and worldviews, creating in the pro¬cess a hybrid and multilingual space. The work explores this hybrid space that had come into existence through complex layers of in-terconnections between political formations and cultural production during the fifteenth century. In looking at the multilingual cul¬ture of the fifteenth century, it looks at the process of vernacularization, and there are several important pieces in the volume that deal with the nature, extent and diffusion of vernacular linguistic/literary trends.

Complex Layers of Interconnections
Shivangini Tandon
AFTER TIMUR LEFT: CULTURE AND CIRCULATION IN FIFTEENTH CENTURY NORTH INDIA by Francesca Orsini Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2015, 500 pp., 1350
July 2015, volume 39, No 7