South Asia comprises of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the landlocked Himalayan Kingdoms of Nepal, Bhutan and the island Sri Lanka. A sizeable chunk of world population subsisting below the poverty line or just above it inhabit the region. These nations have political structures varying from democracy to military dictatorship. The countries emerged from the hold of imperialism about three decades ago but are still struggling with their problems of development. South Asia Region has hitherto been the subject of studies from the point of view of strategy mainly by Western scholars who have obviously approached the same with their own bias and intellectual cliches. It is, therefore, very refreshing to find attempts made by scholars belonging to South Asia Region to enter emerging discipline of strategic studies. The book under review as the title itself suggests has covered diplomacy, internal development, defence, development in science and technology. It is the outcome of a National Seminar held in the University of Allahabad in March 1978.
Nov-Dec 1980, volume 5, No 11/12