Lhasa,Tashkent, Gobi, Xian, Samarkand, Syr-Darya, Kashgar, Heaven Lake, Taklaman, Bukhara. Names that instantly evoke visions of adventure, mystery, antiquity, remoteness, bygone civilizations and trail blazing rulers and travellers. Tracing Marco Polo’s Journey : The Silk Route, is a record of the historic expedition undertaken by Major H.P.S. Ahluwalia and his team in the summer of 1994. Titled ‘The Central Asia Cultural Expedition’ (CACE), it comprised twenty members and set out from Delhi on 17th May. In the Major’s own words, ‘The mission was one of peace, friendship and brotherhood and for people-to-people contact’.

An Historic Expedition
Stuti Kuthiala
TRACING MARCO POLO'S JOURNEY: THE SILK ROUTE by Major H.P.S. Ahluwalia Niyogi Books, New Delhi, 2014, 236 pp., Price not stated
March 2014, volume 38, No 3