A Host of Ghosts
Nivedita Sen
THE DEVIL’S TEACUP AND OTHER GHOST STORIES by By Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay. Translated from the original Bangla by Prasun Roy Fingerprint New Delhi. , 2024, pp., INR 190, $ 8.99
January 2025, volume 49, No 1

I have read many of Bibhutibhushan’s short stories earlier but never had a chance to read his ghost stories one after another. Quite inadvertently and uncannily, I started reading this slim volume of thirteen stories on October 30th, which is Bhoot Chaturdashi in the Bengali calendar. On that day, one lights 14 diyas to commemorate 14 generations of our ancestors. The lamps supposedly also ward off the evil spirits that might be hounding us. Although the book had to be read as a task and not for pleasure, I comfortably ensconced myself in my favourite seating position on my bed to read the thrilling tales. Reading lazily and trying to make margin notes amid much of the mayhem that goes on around Diwali, it was a festive feast of reading!

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