Here is a complete package of real life conflict, love and hope attractively coloured by gloom of darkness to sparkle of Light. The unusual title—Darkless–invokes curiosity because there is no such word in the dictionary, still it manages to convey a whole depth of meaning as the story completes. Beginning with darkness caused by situations of anxiety and gloom the tale moves on to glow of love and hope—from darkness to light, absence of darkness–darkless.
It is a sensitive story addressing the modern child trapped by unexplained anguishes, sad and forlorn, surrounded by darkness (gloom) all around. Classmates in school, even the trip to the park with ‘Nani’ cease to amuse him. At the sight of the car-beams in the driveway he rushes inside happily, straight into the warm hug of his mother. His mother’s bare scalp, on a closer look, seems to reveal her plight that she had been in the hospital for treatment which shaved her hair away. It is her absence which mattered, making his world dim without brightness—darkless. Her presence returns the comfort of security and love to his world.