The Misfits by Kate Darnton is the heartwarming story of eleven-year-old Chloe and her new life in New Delhi.
Exotic and enigmatic, yet crowded and dirty, India is indeed a daunting challenge for the American family that has moved in here. ‘Everything in Delhi was the opposite of Boston—the heat and the smells and the noises and the colours and the tastes. Everything was totally different.’
Chloe is homesick and misses her old friends in Boston. Still, she desperately wants to be a part of the crowd at her new school. One morning she even attempts colouring her blonde hair with a permanent black marker in front of her bathroom mirror. After all, ‘every single one of the other ninety-eight kids in Class Five at Premium Academy has black hair. Every single one of them…’ she explains to her exasperated mother.