People are Ubiquitous, Technologies are Not
Osama Manzar
FINTECH FOR BILLIONS: SIMPLE, HUMAN, UBIQUITOUS by By Bhagwan Chowdhry and Anas Ahmed Penguin/Random House India. , 2023, 201 pp., INR 499.00
January 2025, volume 49, No 1

I beg to disagree with the title of this book by Bhagwan Chowdhry and Anas Ahmed. Instead, it should have been Fintech is not for Billions or Tech is not for Billions. Let me explain why. In the late 1990s, I used to buy a magazine called Wired. It was a fascinating magazine that used to talk about how tech is actually used, adapted, and impacts various aspects of human lives. The design and layout of the magazine was a master class in visual display of words, concepts, stories and graphics. I gathered courage to write to its founding editor Kevin Kelly for an Interview and got a positive reply. One of my questions was, ‘What is the future of technology?’ He replied, ‘The future of technology is biology.’ Which actually means that if technology has to become functional, adaptive and ubiquitous, it should become immersive with socio-behavioural norms, so much so that it starts becoming reflective of the human machine and its biological system.

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