This book is part of a collection of books brought out by Anveshi, in its attempt to present stories from regional languages and other cultures before readers. The targeted age is not mentioned but the long, rambling tale will be better appreciated by older children. Though published in picture book form, the language, as well as the small print size confirm the assumption that older kids would enjoy the book better.
Old Guravva weaves fantasy stories around the sun, the moon, and the stars. Her stories are enjoyed by the little group of children who listen to her with wide-eyed interest. The mud pot hanging on the roof above contains the moon, she tells them. When she takes out the moon and hangs it up in the sky, the area is filled with silvery moonlight. The stars flickering amongst the leaves on the palash tree outside are tiny particles of moondust fallen from the moon as it rubs against the sky, she says, to explain the presence of fireflies. The young narrator of the story, a schoolboy, longs to hold the moon in his hands. Guravva promises to give him the moon, but keeps postponing it, to the frustration of the narrator.