In 1990, KN Chaudhuri’s Asia before Europe: Economy and Civilisation of the Indian Ocean from the Rise of Islam to 1750 was published. The study discusses at length the various levels of interactions between civilization, society and economy. The discussions are specifically in the context of regions located in and beyond the vicinities of the Indian Ocean.The macro-history which focuses primarily on the pre-colonial period explores issues related to the emergence of identities of Asian civilization. While Chaudhuri’s work concludes just before the appearance of the colonial states on the scene, the book under review takes the discussion on the theme of Asian civilizations’ identities forward.

Defining Asian Identity: Alternatives to European Forms of Universalism
Amol Saghar
ASIA AFTER EUROPE: IMAGINING A CONTINENT IN THE LONG TWENTIETH CENTURY by By Sugata Bose The Belknap Press, Harvard University Press, 2024, 276 pp., INR 699.00
May 2024, volume 48, No 5