Decoding Inequality: Comparative Assessment of Social Outcomes
Padmini Swaminathan
UN EQUAL: WHY INDIA LAGS BEHIND ITS NEIGHBOURS by By Swati Narayan Context Publishers (an imprint of Westland Books: a division of Nasadiya Technologies Private Limited), Chennai, 2023, 351 pp., INR 799.00
June 2024, volume 48, No 6

How has economic growth/development and/or how much of economic growth has translated into the well-being of population (measured in terms of education, health, and women’s empowerment) in India when compared to its neighbours, namely, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal—forms the nub of this book. This research question becomes all the more significant when viewed against the ‘soaring economic growth rates since the economic liberalization of 1991’ (p. 30), halted only by the twin shocks of demonetization in 2016 and the pandemic in 2021, after which, Bangladesh in particular, overtook India on both economic growth and HDI scores.

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