Believe it or not, the teeming metropolis of Delhi is actually a birdwatcher’s paradise! It is home to at least a hundred species of birds which can be seen in its vast open parks, wide tree-lined avenues, verdant roundabouts and gardens. All this, despite the sprawling malls and densely clustered housing colonies that have come up where the habitats of birds once existed, not so long ago.

A Journey through Delhi’s Changing Seasons
Nita Berry
SUNBIRDS IN THE MORNING, GREY HORNBILLS AT DUSK: NATURE RAMBLES THROUGH DELHI by Written and Illustrated by Bulbul Sharma First published by Aleph Book Company, 2014 this edition published by Speaking Tiger Books, 2023, 178 pp., INR 399.00
April 2024, volume 48, No 4