Fiction-In Translation-Tamil
As events come to a close, the DO’s family threatens Kamala, she is humiliated by all in the presence of her parents. Further disaster is averted only because the DO’s retirement is round the corner. Kamala never speaks for the major portion of this narrative. When she does speak up it is to acknowledge strategization: ‘He tortured me tirelessly.
‘Shadow Crow’ has a masterful narration. The meeting of Narayana Guru with Buddhist monks and the ensuing conversation is a delight to read. The author’s voice on mental health in the story ‘Brother’s Shadow’ is not so complex. They may be informed by his life experiences with a set of professionals.
The story begins not with Krishna’s birth but when Krishna’s life is drawing to a close. Jara, the hunter, accidentally discharges the arrow that pierces Krishna’s leg. When the hunter rushes to see from where the cry is emanating