The board of each page is skilfully designed to present smooth little pieces moving in and out of slits. Some pieces are elegantly pulled up from the slits; some pieces are effortlessly slid round and round and round in their slits
Names and illustrations of various animals have been used just to increase the fun element. If one reads the poem with the expectation of teaching children about animals or that it will contain some researched scientific facts or information
The variety of activities presented in the book demonstrates the different frameworks and approaches a teacher can use to ensure engagement and participation, while also providing opportunities for students to reflect and solve multiple problems at their own learning levels.
There is so much to see everywhere! The spreads are detailed with uniquely portrayed characters. Some were playing a sitar, some painting eggs, or sipping tea. Simple forms with bold lines and textures give a rugged warmth, inviting one to linger on the pages.
All these stories look at life closely and reflect that with honesty. The writers are children who are mature storytellers of the experiences of their lives.
The illustration where the baby elephant sleeps on its mother’s stomach with its trunk folded gives you a complete experience of the mother’s hugeness and the baby’s total carefreeness. This illustration of affection and trust is the soul of the book. Such vivid and impactful illustrations are rarely seen.
In this story, the weekly bazaar is five kilometres from the village, and the way is through a dense jungle. The route is difficult and even includes a river that can flood and the threat of wild animals, yet the child goes. It’s even possible that going to the market or returning home from the market might cost one’s life. The sellers and shopkeepers arrange their wares on the ground in the weekly market and try to wind up their sales before the evening sets in.