Both the books under review are the outcome of two separate conferences held in Honolulu at the Culture Learning Institute of the East-West Centre in Hawaii. The first book consists of ten papers discussed at the December 1976 conference on ‘Emerging Issues in Cultural Relations in an Interdependent World.’ It deals with the subject from the standpoints of economics, political philo¬sophy, education and research. The second book presents most of the papers read at the March 1979 conference held to study the impact of cultural factors on the outlook and behaviour of States in their international relations. Al¬though both books share a common theme, each of them deserves to be discussed on its own.

K. Ramakrishna
Cultural Relations in the Global Community: Problems and Prospects/Cultural Factors in International Relations by V.C. Bickley and P.J. Philip and R. P. Anand Abhinav Publications, New Delhi, 1982, 255 pp., 75/80
Cultural Factors in International Relations by R.P. Anand Abhinav Publications, New Delhi, 1981, 291 pp., 80.00
Jan-Feb 1982, volume 6, No 4